Zenel BatageljinsledilnikSocialna opora starejših v času COVID-19: Skoraj 8 % starostnikov ni navedlo nikogar, na kogar bi…Te dni mineva leto, odkar je bila pri nas razglašena epidemija. Strokovnjaki iz raznih držav opažajo, da vse bolj prihajajo v ospredje…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Zenel BatageljTransparentno in varno do nacionalno pomembnih občutljivh podatkovZapis je nastal kot razmislek pred BTT dogodkom 25.5.2020May 26, 2020May 26, 2020
Zenel Batagelj“Kdaj normalno”: Kdor bo ujel pravi trenutek s pravimi sporočili bo veliki zmagovalec krizeBesedilo sva spisala Zenel Batagelj in Tomaž Savodnik in je bilo objavljeno 31.3.2020 v strokovni reviji InStore.Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
Zenel BatageljinDatafundFacebook Monday — the beginning of the Web 3.0 ageMarlboro FridayMar 28, 2018Mar 28, 2018
Zenel BatageljTowards ICO 3.0It has been a year since my first blog post on ICO 2.0 which eventually led to the creation of Cofound.it. In the last 12 months, there…Dec 4, 20177Dec 4, 20177
Zenel BatageljinDatafundDatafund — technological, regulatory compliant and business-oriented bridge for personal data use…The distributed economy must proactively build bridges between the old and new economy not avoid regulatory aspects. Datafund is here to…Nov 18, 2017Nov 18, 2017
Zenel BatageljSlovenia, the blockchain heaven“By making some wise and future-driven strategic decisions, Slovenia can become one of the most desirable destinations for global…Oct 16, 20171Oct 16, 20171
Zenel BatageljSlovenia to become one of the most desirable destinations for blockchain startupsTranslation of Slovenian blockchain community manifesto from May 2017 with some minor adaptations.Oct 13, 2017Oct 13, 2017
Zenel BatageljSlovenija naj postane ena najbolj zaželenih destinacij za “blockchain” zagonska podjetjaBlockchain predstavlja bistvo distribuirane ekonomije, ki regulatorjem po svetu povzroča precejšnje težave z umeščanjem te revolucionarne…May 11, 20172May 11, 20172
Zenel BatageljinICONOMIThe psychology behind ICO fundingICONOMI ICO fundamentals — 3 of 4Dec 11, 20161Dec 11, 20161